Leadership Development Workshops

Team captains

These workshops will be offered to high school athletic programs, college athletic programs or teams, as well as youth club and travel programs. There will be two options to choose from: a full year package (nine sessions) or a seasonal package (three sessions). The first workshop will be three hours in length, with the second being one hour, and the third being two hours. Both packages include a meeting with with the program leader or coach to discuss specific goals for the workshops. These will be interactive workshops designed to engage kids and young adults in thinking about leadership, their specific style and roles as leaders of a team, which we will accomplish through case studies, group discussions, and role playing. The first workshop will always consist of the Leading Teams Workshop and the Building Confidence and Becoming a Confident Leader workshops listed below.

Becoming a leader: Developing your style through successes & failures

This workshop is all about learning the different leadership styles. You will determine which style you currently fit into as a leader, while challenging yourself to practice each style in a small group setting. We will identify and review which style is your greatest strength and which styles you want to develop further in your leadership journey. You will leave with an action plan to continue to cultivate your greatest style strength, and also ways to help you build confidence in the other styles of leadership that you hope to develop.

Leading with the heart and from the front

Sometimes being a leader can be challenging, especially if you are a leader of your peers. This two hour workshop is designed to make you think about your values and what is important to you as a leader, while simulating difficult situations that may challenge those values you have as a leader. These simulations will be conducted through role play, group discussions, and share outs. We will discuss the challenges to leadership and the importance of leading from the heart, even in the most difficult of circumstances, and how that type of leadership will help you become the best leader you can be, while striving for success.

becoming a confident leader

This workshop consists of two separate two hour workshops that will challenge you to think about how you see yourself as a leader and how you think others see you. The focus of this workshop is to highlight your strengths through hands-on, interactive activities, while also identifying areas for improvement. You will develop and craft tangible action plans for improvement in those areas, while also identifying tangible ways to build upon your strengths

Leading teams (for Coaches)

In this workshop, we will identify and discuss various principles of leadership, while identifying ways to work with different types of group dynamics when seeking to build strong teams. What are the characteristics of strong teams and what are their values? We will look at examples of strong teams in sports and the qualities that make them strong. We will talk about the skills needed to lead successful teams, how to develop leaders within your team, and leave with a working plan to implement during your season. Through examining various case studies, group discussion, and reflection, you will leave this workshop ready to lead your team(s).

Leading teams (for businesses)

This workshop will offer all of the same benefits as the Leading Teams Workshop designed for coaches above, but will focus specifically on building teams in businesses. There will also be a focus on ways to lead teams in today's working environment, as some business teams will include members who work virtually or in a hybrid format. We will identify and discuss the barriers that many adult teams face when challenges arise in the workplace and how to maintain positive work-life balance when building strong teams.